New Provincial Housing Legislation Updates


How New Provincial Housing Legislation is Unfolding in the City

The Provincial Government has enacted legislation aimed at increasing the supply of housing within BC. This includes legislation on Transit-Oriented Areas, Short-term Rentals, Development Financing Tools and Small-Scale Multi-Unit housing. This legislation was adopted in November 2023 and into 2024. The City must now update its regulations to align with the legislation. For more information on how the City is responding to each of these topics, read on. 

Small-Scale Housing

The legislation requires that the City amend certain zones to allow 3, 4, or 6 units on each lot. For the City, these zones include duplex zones (RT-1 and RT-2), as well as approximately 70 comprehensive development zones. The City of North Vancouver's deadline is June 1, 2025. A new zone will be brought to Council for consideration and adoption prior to the new deadline. 

At this time, the City’s existing regulations remain the same until the new regulations are adopted by Council.

If you have an active development application and wish to discuss what these changes mean to your project, please contact your Planning File Manager directly or email the Planning department at

Transit Oriented Area (Lonsdale Quay)

On June 24, 2024, Council adopted a Bylaw recognising the properties within 400 metres of the Lonsdale Quay Bus Exchange as a Transit Oriented Area. The deadline to do so as set by the Province was June 30, 2024. Review the adopted Bylaw.

Development Financing Tools

These changes to the Local Government Act are designed to enable municipalities to better fund community amenities. The City is undertaking a study to determine how best to implement this new community building tool. There is no mandated deadline for the completion of this work or for adoption of a bylaw to implement an amenity cost charge program; however, the City is working towards completing this project in mid-2025.

Timeline of Upcoming City-Wide Changes Required by New Legislation

The City will be undertaking further required updates to meet the Province’s prescribed timelines:

  • January 1, 2025 – Development of an Interim Housing Needs Report, estimating housing needs for a 20 year timeframe, to be completed by the City in accordance with new Provincial methodology
  • December 31, 2025 – Updates to Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaws to align with the finalized Housing Needs Report

Provincial Resources

The Province has released Policy Manuals to provide further information on the implementation of the legislation. 

To learn more about the Province of BC’s housing initiatives, please visit the following websites: 

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