These are unprecedented times, and the City continues to take the necessary and important steps to help contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Thank you to all of our residents and businesses for stepping up to the challenges of carrying on and moving forward during a global pandemic.
It is up to all of us to reduce transmission. Washing your hands regularly and distancing yourself from others remains the most important steps individuals can take. The closure of some of our public facilities and amenities, cancellation of public events, and following the guidelines of federal and provincial health authorities have been critical for our community to successfully survive this health crisis.
Your support for each other, your neighbours and frontline heroes has been inspirational and demonstrates what a wonderful City we live in. We’re all in this together, so let’s continue to look after one another and support those in need of help.
Healthiest Small City Social Resiliency Collective
Although COVID-19 has brought hardship to our City, we’ve also seen extraordinary community spirit as organizations have stepped up to help those who need it most. We now have a unique opportunity to leverage this moment and work together to achieve our shared goals of building a healthy, more resilient community. I’ve convened the Mayor’s Healthiest Small City Social Resiliency Collective to bring together community leaders from all sectors to guide this work in a coordinated and collaborative way. Members represent leaders from non-profit community service providers, faith communities, RCMP, public health, everyday citizens, the arts and culture sector and youth organizations.
To guide our work, we developed a shared vision and designed five quick start projects.
“We envision a resilient City of North Vancouver where people feel connected and included, and participate in compassionate acts of mutual support to help create an equitable and healthy community.”
The quick start projects include:
- COVID-19 Community Connection Mosaic: individual storytelling through images, organized into a community public art mosaic that explores our COVID-19 experiences
- CityAlive: reimagines artistic performances as random acts of ‘pop-up’ community art by animating outdoor public spaces and encouraging neighbourhood connections while maintaining physical distance
- NorthVanStories: captures and shares digital stories to foster deeper, more meaningful connections between individuals and communities across the city
- Hello Neighbour: a postcard campaign to encourage City of North Vancouver residents to connect with one another as well as to ‘say hello’ to people on a regular basis fostering a sense of community within neighbourhoods. Postcards are available at the City library, North Shore Neighbourhood House, and other community hubs.
- Expanding Technology Access: strengthens connection and reduces isolation by improving access for those with limited access to internet hardware and WIFI.
Read the full Healthiest Small City Social Resiliency Collective Summary Report.
Make Everyday Good Neighbour Day
On March 30, 2020 I proclaimed every day ‘Do Something Good for your Neighbour Day’ in the City of North Vancouver.
Do Something Good for Your Neighbour Day
This is a campaign in cities across North America meant to inspire people to spread compassion, love, and kindness.
As we deal with the unprecedented challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic caring for one another and spreading hope and support throughout our community is more important than ever. With that in mind, I invite all City of North Vancouver residents no matter what their age, culture, religion or economic background to participate by performing random acts of kindness and love throughout the City.
Do you have a neighbor who could use support? Reach out to them, ask how they’re doing. Offer whatever help you can. Remember, no actions are too small.
Building Community Resiliency
By taking these steps to support one another we are creating a more resilient community. Offering a kind word, or reaching out to help those around you, you are helping us create the caring and inclusive community that we all strive for.
Please join us as we work to make every day Good Neighbour Day.
Tips to help you celebrate good neighbor day everyday
- Call and check in on your neighbours. Offer them your assistance or just have a friendly chat. Offer to pick up some groceries while you’re out, collect their mail, or deliver other urgent supplies.
- Make a special effort to introduce yourself to older residents or anyone who lives alone. Leave them your mobile or home phone number if they need assistance or a friend to talk to.
- Volunteer to help a senior in need. Call 2-1-1 or visit bc211.ca and be matched with a senior in your community who need support.
- Share messages of hope and support. Put hearts in your windows and make noise at 7pm each night to show your support for our local frontline workers.
- Offer a smile to those you pass when you’re out. Sometimes the simplest actions have the biggest impacts.
Financial Recovery Task Force
Every business and industry in the City is valued, and a vital part of the health of our local economy and the well-being of our residents. With the endorsement of Council, I’ve launched a Financial Recovery Task Force to help our business community through these challenging times.
Through this Task Force, I’ve convened a Business Advisory Working Group comprised of a diverse group of businesses representing a range of business sectors. This group will help direct our recovery efforts and guide us towards our goals of stability and resiliency.
Together, we’re working to identify concrete actions and potentially policy creation to stabilize our local economy and help our business community recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Supporting Flexible Outdoor Dining & Liquor Licensing
I asked City staff to create and expedite a process for allowing outdoor dining to expand temporarily into public spaces and to allow for the consumption of alcohol in certain public spaces. The City is committed to helping local businesses find innovative to operate during this time.
On June 1, 2020, Mayor and Council passed a bylaw allowing alcohol consumption at specific public locations in the City. On October 26, 2020 Mayor and Council voted unanimously to make alcohol consumption in certain City locations permanent. Alcohol consumption from 11:00am - 9:00pm, seven days a week in select locations.
Roundtables with Local Businesses
Small businesses play a crucial role in our economy and community. The challenges presented by COVID-19 have had devastating consequences for business of different sizes and sectors. As Mayor of the City of North Vancouver I have launched a Business Advisory Group to examine how at the local level we can support businesses as well as identify gaps in provincial and federal supports.
To learn more about the unique challenges of each business, I’m hosting a series of roundtable discussions, via video conferencing.
Are you a business owner wanting to know more or participate in a roundtable discussion? Email mayor@cnv.org to learn more.
For the City's latest updates on COVID-19 visit, cnv.org/COVID-19