After a successful two-year pilot that began in 2021, the e-bike program on the North Shore will cotinue as a day-to-day operation.
What is an E-Bike Share?
E-bike share is a short-term rental program for electric bikes that allows residents and visitors to sign up via mobile app to rent an e-bike from a fleet available at various public locations in North Vancouver and West Vancouver.
Download the Lime App to get started.
Apple Store | Google Play
Why E-Bike Share?
In 2021, the three North Shore municipalities collaborated to establish the e-bike share pilot program. This program is supported by Council-approved policies and aligns with the social, environmental, economic, and mobility goals of the three North Shore municipalities.
After a successful pilot period, Councils from all three participating municipalities directed staff to establish a permanent e-bike share operation.
This program provides a cost-effective, environmentally-sensitive transportation option and supports our Mobility Strategy, which recommends improved access to micromobility for everyone.
Project Milestones

Current Statistics
Mid-year Ridership Summary on the North Shore (January - June 2024)
- The delay of summer weather this year has produced a slightly slower growth in ridership, compared to last year.
- A total of 38,000 trips have been recorded to date, which is comparable with 2023 (-1.6%).
- Riders have spent over 437,000 minutes in rides, covering nearly 82,000 kilometers.
- Fridays have been the most popular day to ride with a 28% average increase compared to other days of the week.
- The top three locations to start / end trips in the City:
- Lonsdale Quay - Seabus
- Carrie Cates Court
- Harbourside Drive & Harbourside Place
Project Highlights (July 2021 – August 2023)
A summary of highlights from Pilot follows. For more details download and review the final technical report, North Shore E-bike Share Pilot Program Technical Report Fall 2023.

Frequently Asked Questions
Getting started
Download the Lime App to get started:
Apple Store | Google Play
An e-bike has an integrated electric motor that adds power to your pedalling, so tackling the hilly terrain on the North Shore is made easier for adults of all ages and abilities.
Watch: How to Ride: Lime e-bike
How do I begin my ride?
Lime offers a tutorial within the Lime app for first-time users. Generally, riders use their smartphone to unlock an e-bike, and must return the e-bike to a Lime Grove or designated location and secure the built-in bike lock to end the trip.
Learn more on the Lime electric-assist bike website or in the Lime Help Centre.
Where can I ride?
The program includes the City of North Vancouver, District of North Vancouver, and District of West Vancouver, allowing e-bike share users to travel in geofenced service areas.
Bikes can travel on:
- Roads
- Bike lanes
- Most off-street pathways
Please remember to use extra caution and slow down on pathways and spaces shared with pedestrians. Bikes are not permitted to ride on sidewalks unless allowed by signage.
The North Shore has an extensive network of designated bicycle routes to get to destinations more comfortably.
Download the North Shore Bike Map (2020)
Where can I park?
Almost 100 Lime Groves, designated parking spots for e-bike share, have been installed across the North Shore. The City currently has 60 Lime Groves for users to park their e-bikes, and we are increasing the number to accommodate rider needs. Check the Lime app or this map for the locations.
What does a Lime Grove look like?
Lime Groves feature white pavement tape with a bike parking decal or stencil in the centre. When located on-street, they also feature delineators.

How do I end my ride?
Follow the instruction in the app to park the e-bike and end your trip at designated locations. The parking policies are different across the North Shore municipalities:
City of North Vancouver and District West Vancouver
When you end your trip within CNV and DWV jurisdictions, the app will list all the nearby Lime Groves available for parking.
Users are required to park their e-bike in a Lime Grove, or are subject to fines. In-app prompts require photo documentation of proper parking before a trip (and associated payment) can be completed.
District of North Vancouver
When ending your trip within the DNV, users have the flexibility to park at Lime Groves or in suitable areas that do not obstruct pathways such as greenspaces or unrestricted on-street parking lanes.
In-app prompts require photo documentation of proper parking before a trip (and associated payment) can be completed.
What are the rules for Lime riders?
Lime riders are required to:
- Be at least 18 years of age
- Wear a helmet while riding (riding with helmets is mandatory in BC. Shared helmets are available on e-bikes, or you can wear your own)
- Follow biking speed limit (limit speed to 32 km/h , speed will be reduced in slow zones)
- Ride solo, no doubling up
- Never drink and ride
- Follow all provincial rules and North Shore municipalities bylaws
- Check out Lime Rider Safety webpage