Strata Buildings

Strata Energy Advisor Program

The City of North Vancouver is working with Metro Vancouver and other local municipalities to support the new regional Strata Energy Advisor program. This program provides stratas with energy advisors who can visit your building free of charge and recommend opportunities for energy efficient retrofits. The advisor can also support councils through implementation of all changes.

Strata Energy Advisor Program - UPDATE!

This program is now fully subscribed. Please visit the Strata Energy Advisor Program website for lots of tips and resources to help stratas make smarter choices and improve building efficiency.

BC Hydro Product Rebates

Residents living in condos can receive rebates by purchasing products that improve the energy efficiency of their home, such as thermostats, appliances, and bathroom fans. Find out more about BC Hydro’s Product Rebates by visiting the BC Hydro website.


Condominium Home Owners Association of BC (CHOA)

CHOA is a consumer based non-profit association that promotes the understanding of strata property living and the interests of strata property owners. CHOA offers education, publications, resources and support to strata corporations, councils, investors, managers and industry across the province. Check out CHOA’s information bulletins on a variety of topics including energy upgrades visit


Building Energy Benchmarking

Building Benchmark BC logo

Strata buildings, rental apartments, and commercial buildings can benchmark their energy and climate performance through the Building Benchmark BC program. Learn more on our Building Benchmark BC page.

Contact Info

Gateway Team
Tel: 604-982-9675

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