Single Family Homes, Duplexes & Townhouses

CleanBC Better Homes

CleanBC Better Homes is BC’s online hub for homeowners to access information, incentives and support to reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions in new and existing homes. CleanBC Better Homes resources include:

  • Easy to use rebate search tool for when you are renovating a home or building a new home
  • Free energy coach services for homeowners undertaking renovations, including a phone and email hotline staffed by energy efficiency specialists

Find out more by visiting the CleanBC Better Homes at or contact an Energy Coach at 1-844-881-9790 or


Jump on a New Heat PumpJump on a New Heat Pump Program

The Jump on a New Heat Pump program offers resources to homeowners interested in switching to a heat pump for space heating, including:

  • Homeowner guides
  • Homeowner webinars
  • Free virtual home energy check-ups

The Jump on a New Heat Pump Program is an initiative of the three North Shore municipalities. Find out more by visiting the Jump on a New Heat Pump web page.


Available Rebates

New Construction Rebate Program

Energy Step Code Pathway

Build a new home that meets a minimum BC Energy Step Code level and uses electric space and water heating systems.

Energy Step Code Level Rebate

  • Step 3 - $4000
  • Step 4 - $6000
  • Step 5 - $10000

Heat Pump Pathway

Build a new home that uses an electric heat pump for space heating or water heating, regardless of Energy Step Code level and receive up to $4,000.

Choose your add-on rebates:

  • All-Electric Bonus: build a home with no fossil fuel connection and receive an additional $4,000 per home
  • Energy Advisor Support Rebate: work with a Program Qualified Energy Advisor and receive an additional $1,000 per home

Visit the CleanBC Better Homes New Construction Program for program details.

Home Renovation Rebate Program

The CleanBC Better Homes and Homes Renovation Rebate Programs, administered by BC Hydro, FortisBC and the Province of BC, provides rebates for improving your home’s energy efficiency through select upgrades.

There are many benefits to making energy efficient upgrades to your home:

  • Save money on energy costs
  • Obtain a higher resale value for your home
  • Increase the comfort of your home
  • Create a healthier home
  • Make your home quieter
  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  • Help the City reach its climate protection targets

For program details and rebate visit For City permit information for your renovation, please call the Community Services Department at 604-990-4220.

Contact Info


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