The City provides curbside garbage and Green Can (i.e., food scraps, yard trimmings) collection to more than 8,500 households. Pickups are organized into eight collection areas, which determines your collection day (Monday through Thursday, except on weeks with a statutory holiday).
Recycling, Green Cans, and yard trimming are collected weekly; and garbage is collected every other week. Learn more on our Recycling, Green Can, and Garbage pages.
How To Place Items Curbside

To Ensure Collection and Avoid Attracting Wildlife
- Place materials at the curb between 5:30am and 7:30am on your collection day (note that Green Cans are picked up BEFORE garbage).
- Put all cans, boxes, and bags side-by-side in a straight line for quick, easy collection.
- Use 77L cans, secure the lids (don't use clips, bungee cords, rope, or straps), and don't overfill cans (maximum 20kg per can).
- Green Can/yard trimmings – weekly limit of 6 total containers, bags, or bundles.
- Maximum of two 77L garbage cans per home are picked up every other week.
Recycling Pickup Tips
- Put paper products in the Yellow Bag and place beside – not inside! – your Blue Box.
- Flatten and cut cardboard to no larger than 60cm x 60cm and place in your Yellow Bag.
- Put mixed containers (e.g. plastic, metal) in your Blue Box.
- Glass jars and bottles go in the Grey Box – place lids in the Blue Box.
- Check what items can be recycled on the Recycle BC website.
Reminders for Curbside Collection
We have several ways to get reminders about your collection dates!

Download the CityCollect App (Google Play | Apple Store) and never miss another collection day! Find your collection schedule, what goes where and how to prepare it, get weekly reminders and much more.
Collection Dates
Enter your address below to set up reminders via email or phone, get a calendar reminder, print a calendar, etc.
Contacts & Info
Download CityCollect App
Apple store | Google Play
Missed Garbage/Green Can Pickup
Contact City Operations | 604-987-7155
Missed Recycling Pickup / Get Bags or Bins
Contact Emterra Environmental | 778-589-3221 | Email
Get Green Can decals
Contact City Engineering | 604-983-7333 | Email
Recycling Information
Recycling Council of BC
Website | 604-732-9253 | Email