The North Shore Advisory Committee on Disability Issues (NS ACDI) is a Council appointed advisory committee comprised of members of the community with a recognized disability.
Purpose: To provide a forum for discussion of issues affecting people with disabilities. To formulate proposals and make recommendations to the three North Shore municipalities, the City and District of North Vancouver and the District of West Vancouver, to provide residents with disabilities with an accessible community, free of physical and social barriers.
Terms of office: 4 people with disabilities from each of the three North Shore municipalities for a total of 12 and one Councillor from the District of West Vancouver, the District of North Vancouver and the City of North Vancouver. All appointees serve two-year terms concluding on December 31st.
Committee Overview
Committee |
North Shore Advisory Committee on Disability Issues |
Councillor |
Councillor Shervin Shahriari
Day |
Last Thursday of every month |
Time |
5:00 pm to 7:00 pm |
Notes |
Term ends Dec 31st |
Committee Clerk / Staff Rep. |
Committee Clerk: Mary Jukich (DNV)
Staff Rep (CNV): Christel Lindgren
Contact |
Please contact for further information on the committee.