Coach House

In May 2023, the BC Government introduced a new provincial authority under the Housing Supply Act to set housing targets for municipalities with the greatest need and the highest projected population growth. In June 2024, a Housing Target Order was issued for the City of North Vancouver, requiring regular progress reports to the Province starting six months after the order and continuing annually.

The Supplementary Dwelling Unit Information Form is now required on Coach House Development Permit applications, RS-1 to RS-2 Rezoning applications, and Building Permit applications where a dwelling unit is either added or removed in order to meet reporting requirements.

Coach Houses are accessory dwelling units usually located at the back of the property, separate from the main house. They can be used for family members or as a rental unit, but they cannot be stratified. 

If you're considering building a Coach House, please carefully review the following to ensure the Coach House design complies with all Development Permit and Zoning requirements:

Coach House Development Permit Guidelines and a number of zoning requirements were updated on March 7, 2022 to allow for a more streamlined process.

Application & Submission Process

The Building Permit and Development Checklist for Coach House is intended to assist applicants in preparing the minimum required documentation for a coach house Development Permit and Building Permit application. Please review carefully to ensure all required documents and necessary information are provided. All standard Building Permit requirements and fees apply.

To build a Coach House, all development permit and building permit documentation outlined in the checklist should be submitted simultaneously to the City. The complete permit package can be submitted digitally for processing to Visit the How to Submit Construction Permits page for more information, including document formatting and naming standards.

After submission, an invoice for the Development Permit fee will be provided, which must be paid in order to compete your development permit application.

Contact Us

For questions regarding Coach house applications, please contact Gateway.

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