Spring Go by Bike Week 2024

May 28, 2024   

Go by Bike Week is back! HUB Cycling is hosting their annual spring celebration from June 3 – 9 to encourage people to give cycling a try and motivate those who already do to keep riding.   

Ride your bike to the pharmacy, school, work, or to grab a coffee and log your trips to track KM's and greenhouses gas savings. The more trips you log, the more prizes you can win!

Your child can participate too, with Bike to School Week taking place from June 3 – 7. Find more details on how to register at cnv.org/GBBW, and kick-off the week with the activities below:


June 1: North Van Bike Festival

10 a.m. – 2 p.m., Civic Plaza
This event is a celebration of local North Van biking culture, designed to bring together community members of all ages who share a passion for cycling. There will be:

  • Kids cycling education 
  • Free bike tune ups and snacks from HUB cycling
  • Local vendors and community partners
  • Live music and more!

Learn more at northvanbikefest.ca

June 3: City of North Vancouver Celebration Station

8 – 10 a.m. at Grand Blvd. and 17th Street 
Log your first trip and stop by our celebration station to get free snacks, bike maintenance and cycling information. Click here to see a map of all the celebration stations in Metro Vancouver.

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