Back to School Safety

August 31, 2023   

Traffic will be getting busier in the City with school back in session on Tuesday, September 5th. Let’s all work together to help keep everyone safe this school year by following the tips and information below.


Safe Driving Tips

The school zone speed limit is 30 km/h between 8am and 5pm on school days.

  • Keep your attention on the road as kids will be biking, walking or rolling to school.
  • Obey the crossing guard and pick up/drop off students in designated locations.
  • Follow all posted signage, speed limits and no parking/stopping areas.
  • Never pass a school bus when it’s picking up or dropping off kids.


Students and Pedestrians

A friendly reminder to parents, guardians and teachers to review important safety tips with children on how to travel to school:

  • Stop, look and wait before crossing the road. 
  • Always cross the road at an intersection or crosswalk. Don’t jaywalk.
  • If it’s dark or raining, wear something that is bright or reflective so drivers can see you. 


Active and Sustainable Travel

This year, let’s encourage our students to make active transportation and transit the preferred choice for traveling to and from school. When kids walk, roll, bike or take transit to and from school, they’re making active transportation safer for everyone by creating safety in numbers, in addition to making school zones safer with less cars. 

Here are some tips for active and sustainable travel to school:

  • Check out our best routes to school maps. These maps are tailored to each school and provide ways for biking, walking or taking transit to school.
  • If you need to drive, try “Drive to Five” by dropping your kids off 5-minutes away from school and walking the remainder of the trip.
  • Start building the foundations for walking, rolling, biking, and taking transit to and from school at any age. Grow your child’s familiarity with crossing streets, riding bicycles, and practicing how to overcome unexpected situations. 

For more information, visit our Safe and Active School Travel Program page.


Mini-Grants Available for Schools

Active transportation can support many of our shared goals: school zone safety, student health and learning, and climate action. The City is piloting mini-grants for public schools through the Safe and Active School Travel Program (SASTP). Each public school in the City of North Vancouver can apply for mini-grant funding up to $500 per school for the 2023/24 school year. Visit for more information on how to apply.

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