City Presents Draft Strategies for Wellness & Climate

August 22, 2023   
The City has developed two draft strategies, the Community Wellbeing Strategy and Climate and Environment Strategy, to provide long-term direction in two critical areas over the next decade. The two draft documents are available to the public for review and there will be opportunities to provide input beginning Sept. 6.

Both strategies were drafted after public engagement in late 2021 to guide direction and objectives, and over the past year were developed with in-depth research, integration with existing strategies and policies, identified gaps in current City services, public health information and current work on related City plans.


Six Pathways for Community Wellbeing

The Community Wellbeing Strategy is a 10-year plan to guide decisions about the services, resources, amenities, activities, and places that will improve overall community wellbeing and help the community thrive. It will consider and reflect the community’s evolving needs, resources, and increasingly complex issues. 

The draft Strategy includes six key pathways focused on enhancing and supporting community wellbeing. Each pathway provides clear policy directions and a series of objectives that communicate expectations and guide decision-making. The six pathways include Complete Communities, Housing for All, A City for All Ages, Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility (IDEA), Poverty Reduction and Inclusive Economy, and Partnerships, Advocacy and Financial Supports.  

The draft Community Wellbeing Strategy and a summary document of highlights within the Strategy are available for review at


Addressing Climate and Promoting a Healthy Environment

Also a 10-year strategy, the draft Climate and Environment Strategy will be the City’s guide for making decisions that foster a resilient urban and natural environment, today and over the coming decade. It aims to build a resilient and low carbon community where everyone thrives, by mitigating our climate impact, adapting to climate change, and promoting a healthy and resilient environment. 

The four directions contained in the draft Strategy include:

  • Less Grey, More Green: Restore, protect, and enhance natural areas and biodiversity on public and private property.
  • Climate Resilient Buildings: Transition to resilient buildings throughout the community through improvements to new and existing buildings.
  • Connected Neighbourhoods: Build compact and mixed-use communities that support zero emission modes of transportation.
  • Empowered Choices: Foster a low-impact and circular economy that empowers our community to move to a zero carbon and zero waste future.

The draft Climate & Environment Strategy, and a summary document of highlights within the Strategy, are available for review at

Next Steps: Public Engagement Process

A public engagement process on both strategies will begin on Sept. 6, which will seek input on the drafts. Residents will be able to participate through surveys, in-person pop-ups, and more. Input will be considered as each Strategy is revised and presented to Council later in the fall for Council review and eventual adoption.

Details on each engagement process will be available at:

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