The work involves excavating portions of Wallace Mews and Shipbuilders Square to install new subsurface electrical and water lines. Through the use of detours the contractor will maintain access for residents, emergency vehicles and business operations, including deliveries, at all times. During construction:
- There will be a sustained increase in noise levels as a result of the work.
- Construction will take place in accordance with local bylaws: 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
- The Spirit Trail will detour cyclists to Esplanade during the project.
The City of North Vancouver is committed to environmentally sustainable practices, and the project will re-use materials (soil and the pavers) that are removed to allow for the work. By using existing materials we are also able to reduce construction traffic to the Shipyards.
After the work is completed, the new electrical upgrades will allow the City to accommodate food trucks and vendors without the use of generators, reducing ongoing noise and emissions from this site well into the future.