Hosting an event? Consider including a Bicycle Valet!
What’s a Bike Valet?
A bike valet is free, convenient and secure bicycle parking for event-goers.

How does it work?
A bike valet operates similar to a coat check: you give your bike to valet staff and are given a numbered ticket. When it’s time to leave the event, you return to the bike valet station with your numbered ticket and get your bike back. Depending on the operator and the event, panniers, bags and helmets can sometimes be left with your bike when it’s parked.
Bike valet stations are often a great place to learn about cycling and sustainable transportation in North Vancouver and around the Lower Mainland. Bike maps, safe cycling guides, and tire pumps are often available on-site.
Benefits of bike valet services:
- Encourage event attendees to use an alternate mode of transportation reducing motor vehicle trips and parking demand
- Provide secure parking for bikes and accessories and are safer than locking bikes to poles and fences
Arranging bike valet services at your events
If you are an event organizer looking to secure bike valet services at an event, check out The Bicycle Valet operated by BEST (Better Environmentally Sound Transportation).
Is your local business interested in sponsoring a bike valet at an event in the City? Let us know!
For more information and resources on bike valet services for your event, please contact us.
Contact Info
Chris French
Planning Assistant, City of North Vancouver
Phone: (604) 983-7318