Community Facts & Stats

What is the Census?

The census provides a statistical portrait of Canada and its people, including detailed demographic, social, and economic information such as our age, sex, marital status, employment, housing, ethnic background, and more. The Census has been around for over 100 years and is conducted every five years by Statistics Canada. 

The 2021 Census data was released in stages throughout 2022, as shown below. For more information, please visit Statistics Canada.

Release Date Topic
February 9, 2022 Population and dwelling count
April 27, 2022 Demographics
July 13, 2022 Families, households and income
August 17, 2022 Linguistic diversity
September 21, 2022 First Nations, Metis, and Inuit population; Housing portrait
October 26, 2022 Immigration, mobility/migration, and ethnocultural and religious composition
November 30, 2022 Education and labour force

image of 2021 census fact sheet

City Stats Fact Sheets

We’ve created fact sheets for each of the Census data releases, to help you understand the information and trends at a glance.

Maps of Census Data

We've created maps which show census information overlaid on a City map.

How Does the City Use the Census Information?

The City uses statistics, like those from the Census, to understand our community and how it changes over time. This information is crucial to the planning of City services, amenities, programs, infrastructure, utilities, parks and public spaces, streets, housing, land use, and more.

The data helps the City understand emerging trends and informs policies, projects, and programs that respond to the changing needs of City residents.

Planning for Growth

Population growth is expected given the City’s role as a downtown or Regional City Centre for the North Shore. It is also in alignment with the City’s OCP and with Metro Vancouver growth management policies which direct growth to urban centres. Managing growth in this way supports a more sustainable city, more efficient use of land, infrastructure, and resources, and supports the provision of amenities and services. Over the last 10 years, the City has had a consistent growth rate of approximately 2% per year.

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