E-Cargo Bikes

As part of our goal to prioritize active transportation initiatives, we're working to provide more micro-mobility options for residents. 

According to the 2021 North Shore Transportation Survey Report, over 73% of shopping trips on the North Shore were car-based, with only 1% made by bike or on foot. 

With new electric bike technology and improved transportation routes throughout our community, there are more opportunities to replace regular vehicle trips with low-carbon transportation options. Our e-bike share program (with no cargo options) has operated on the North Shore since 2021, with a recorded 156,000 trips and user base of over 35,000. 

In 2024, we’re partnering with the District of North Vancouver to explore a pilot program related to e-cargo bikes. 


woman with ecargo bike

What is an E-Cargo Bike?

Electric cargo bikes - also known as e-cargo bikes - are electrified versions of traditional bicycles featuring an integrated cargo compartment or the ability to attach a cargo trailer. 

There are many variations in size and design, but all e-cargo bikes are either fully or partially human-powered and can transport cargo, including groceries, freight, or passengers.


Next Steps

In spring 2024, City and District staff will be on-site at community centres and libraries to answer your questions and provide information about the transportation options available on the North Shore.

You can chat with staff at these locations from 11 a.m.  2 p.m. on the following days:

Date Location
April 6 North Vancouver City Library
April 7 North Vancouver City Library
April 20  City of North Vancouver 'Earth Day' event at Moodyville Park
April 21  Lynn Valley Library
April 27  Express Library at Lions Gate
April 28  Express Library at Lions Gate
May 4 Capilano Library
May 5  Capilano Library
 May 10  Capilano Library
 May 11  Capilano Library

Contact Us

Transportation Planning
Email: bikeshare@cnv.org

ecargo bike with father and son
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