St. Andrew's Park Improvements

Park Improvements Continue

We're replacing aging playground features. Due to supply chain issues our play equipment has been delayed. We're now aiming to complete this upgrade and all work in early 2023. We appreciate your patience!

We’re making improvements to St. Andrew’s Park and its amenities to make it more enjoyable for all users.

The improvements are being done in two stages. The 2021 improvements have been completed and are described below in Previous Park Improvements. Learn more about the current project.

Overview of Planned Improvements

Our current improvements include the following.

Park Improvements Continue
We're replacing aging playground features and continuing repairs. Due to supply chain issues our play equipment has been delayed. We're now aiming to complete this upgrade and all work in early 2023. We appreciate your patience!

Living Ruin Relocation
One of our goals for St. Andrew’s Park is to provide a variety of seating options catering to all ages. The parks planning team investigated relocating the “Living Ruin” a granite, public art collection as a way to provide more seating central to the park. To protect the integrity of, and original design intent of this public art, the Living Ruin seating arrangement will remain in its current location and new seating will be added central to the park. 

Overall Repairs
When works on the new play structure are underway, repairs will be made to the asphalt pathway, wooden boardwalk, and the addition of smaller play features. In the spring, turf will be repaired throughout and new trees planted along the eastern border. 

About St. Andrew's Park

St. Andrew's Park is located just east of St. Georges and East 11th Street. The park is fully fenced with access gates to the north and south. There are a variety of large trees and natural plantings, with lots of room to roam. The park has large sand play areas and is encircled by a paved path. A portable toilet is available onsite.  

Previous Park Improvements


In 2021 we completed the following improvements at St. Andrew's Park:

  • Installed new drinking water fountain
  • Repaired water play feature
  • Improved pathway around the water play feature
  • Converted the underutilized sand play table into an art table 
  • Upgraded the portable toilet to a larger, universal, accessible portable toilet
  • Added a new adult-sized wheelchair accessible table and chair arrangement


In August 2017, the City implemented improvements to St. Andrew’s Park, based on input received from public consultation and feedback. Artificial turf was added to the central lawn area to allow for safer and extended play.

New turf at St Andrews Park

We met with over a hundred people at our open house in June of 2014, and received numerous surveys and comments online. Based on the input we received, we developed a high-level plan of small park improvements that could be implemented in St. Andrew’s Park. View the open house display boards.

Due to other high priority City-wide projects taking place over the next couple of years, the park improvements will be need to be completed over the coming years, including a number of small improvements this year. Specifically, we are creating some solutions for toy storage in the park this summer.

All of the information previously gathered is very valuable to moving forward with this project, and we thank those who shared their feedback for their interest in St. Andrew’s. We'll continue to maintain the park to a high standard and to be vigilant about the safety of the playgrounds and surrounding features.

Contact Info

Engineering, Parks & Environment
Tel: 604-983-7333

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